Asian Hack 2019 Full Details

Register to Biggest Inter College Hackathon : Click Here


Asian Hack is a 48-hour hackathon where students of different colleges come together in a group of 2-4 to share ideas and to develop innovative solutions to the challenges presented and faced by our societies through the medium of technology. The actual coding and presentation last for 28 hours. Each team is guided by mentors(who have been working in the field of IT and Management)

The idea or theme of the hackathon will be announced in the Orientation Day.

Date: 24th – 25th August 2019

Venue: Asian School of Management and Technology

Time: 6:33 AM onwards (28 hours program)

Team Size: 2-4 Students (must be of the same college)


What is a Hackathon?

Hackathon is an event to drive innovation and solutions to address real-life business problems and social issues. A hackathon is a time-bound competitive event where participants collaborate with each other to build proofs of concept, show teamwork and minimum viable products for a specific pre-defined problem or to innovate.


What’s more in this Hackathon?

Asian Hack is a hackathon with additional exhibitions and entertainment. In asianhack, we will be exhibiting the College Projects, Robotics Projects, Games and Stalls. Lots of visitors will be attracted to these exhibitions and a perfect place to advertise yourself. In addition, we will be printing additional swags(stickers), T-Shirts.

Winner Prize: Rs. 40,000

First Runner Up Prize: Rs. 20,000

Second Runner Up Prize: Rs. 10,000

Best Futuristic Model: Rs. 5,000

Best Presentation: Rs. 5,000

Exhibitions and Stalls

Our Vision

Our motivation is to bring international hackathon experience to our country, Nepal. Moreover:

Encourage creativity and teamwork spirit

Asian Hack provides a platform for participants to unleash their creativity and collaboration skills, which are two vital skills for learning and career growth.

Create next-generation tech leaders

Every industry, from finance to transportation, requires people who know how to work with technology. By equipping participants with technical skills along with workshops on the latest open source technologies, software, APIs, and hardware, more opportunities will open up for them in the future.

Expand the “Hackathon” culture in Nepal

Hackathon culture encourages people to think out of the box. Participants challenge themselves to create something new and take ownership of what they create.

Providing Experience of working in Real Time

Working on some problems and finding technical solutions in 48 hours is itself a challenging task. Participants would be hence able to handle the pressure and work for a solution in the tensed environment.

Program Detail and Schedule

Asian Hack is 48 hour program. The actual coding and presentation lasts for 28 hours. The problem will be We will have exhibitions, stalls, games, project demonstration and many others. The full program schedule:


Orientation Program (22nd August)
Time Particulars
12:02pm – 3:00pm Swags, Tshirts, Stickers Distributions.

Giving Problems and networking and Team Registration!

Hack Day 1 (24th August)
6:33am – 8:00am Team Attendances and Breakfast
8:00am – 11:00am Code Time
11:00am – 1pm Lunch
1:00pm – 9:00pm  Code Time + Coffee, Tea, Cookie any time
9:00pm – 11:00pm Dinner
11:00pm – 1:00am Code Time
1:00am – 2:00am Small Mid Night Event and Networking
2:00am – 6:00am Code Time
Hack Day 2 (25th August)
6:00am – 7:00am Refreshment + Breakfast
7:00am – 9:00am Coding Completion + Submit Code to Github + Publish Presentation to Slideshare
9:00am – 10:30am Lunch
10:30am – 12:30pm Judges Visit
12:30pm – 1:15pm Exhibition
1:30pm – 6:30pm Hackathon Program ( Team Presentation, Price Distribution)
6:30pm – 7:00pm Photography and GoodBye!!

Participation Requirement

  • Participants should have basic knowledge on GitHub.
  • Participants should bring sleeping material like Sleeping Bag with them.
  • Participants are not allowed to go outside the event area without consulting management team.
  • Participants must carry the personal things with them.
  • Every Participants are bounded by Asian Hack Code of Conduct.
  • You should bring Laptop by yourself.
  • You should bring card provided by Asianhack.(provided in Orientation Class).


Participants will be provided?

  • 3 Times Food( Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
  • Coffee, Tea, Cookie, Fruits available 24/7
  • Access to the internet
  • Sleeping Mat(you should carry Sleeping Bag with you)
  • Tshirts, and Stickers
  • Papers and Pens
  • Security
  • Medical Kits and Safety Pads(for girls)
  • Mentors to guide through ideas

Code of Conduct

Our hackathon is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone.


  1. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, photography or audio/video recording against reasonable consent, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
  2. Photography is encouraged, but other participants must be given a reasonable chance to opt-out from being photographed. If they object to the taking of their photograph, comply with their request. It is inappropriate to take photographs in contexts where people have a reasonable expectation of privacy (in bathrooms or where participants are sleeping).
  3. Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. As this is a hackathon, we like to explicitly note that the hacks created at our hackathon are equally subject to the anti-harassment laws of Nepal.
  4. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of hackathon staff immediately.
  5. Hackathon staff will be happy to help participants contact any local security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the hackathon. We value your attendance.
  6. If a participant engages in harassing behaviour, the hackathon organisers may take any action they deem appropriate. This includes warning the offender, expulsion from the hackathon with no refund (if applicable), or reporting their behaviour to local law enforcement.
  7. Participants are strictly prohibited for the use of drugs and consumption of alcohol. If found, the team will be disqualified.
  8. Participants are allowed to copy code snippets but if found cloning the whole project from Github. The team goes under suspension.
  9. Participants are not allowed to mess with the physical infrastructures (provided belogings).
  10. All team members should be present in Orientation and Hack Day according to Time Schedule.
  11. In Case of any rules not mentioned above, Asian Hack Organizer have right to make decisions and their decision will be final decision.

In the case of queries feel free to contact us:


Mobile: 9860291455, 9847755813

Website :